Return to study ST000414 main page   Show: (1)HMDB and KEGG pathways   (2)REACTOME pathways containing these metabolites

SelectMetabolite Name Metabolite Id Refmet Name Ret. Index Quant. m/z Analysis Display
3-Methyleneoxindole ME137118 3-Methyleneoxindole 7.702899084145.0527211HILIC NEGATIVE ION MODE
Antirhine ME137101 Antirhine 3.939536973296.1889941HILIC NEGATIVE ION MODE
Hypaphorine ME136798 Lenticin 8.712364796246.1368077HILIC POSITIVE ION MODE
Indoleacrylicacid ME136785 Indoleacrylic acid 8.712156071187.0633218HILIC POSITIVE ION MODE
